Welcome to Chiclayo, Peru!
Chiclayo is a city in northern Peru, just a few kilometers from the Pacific coast. Its full name is "Santa Maria de los Valles de Chiclayo," founded by Spanish explorers in the 1500s, and has a population of approximately 600,000 people.
We, of course, know Chiclayo as the base of operations of Jan Bernhard Riggs, the General Manager of Pronatur E.I.R.L., a certified organic distributor, who in 2008 was convicted by the 29th Penal Court of Peru.
Chiclayo is part of the Lambayeque Region, an area of plains. The main water sources are springs and snow melt flowing down into the plains and valleys from the Andes mountain range, flowing roughly north to south, which enables the production of rice, sugar cane, and of course, coffee.